Everyone has an issue that they truly care about and a large scale event is the perfect way to show it. Perhaps instead of wedding gifts, you ask your guests to donate to a charity of your choice. I got this idea from a blogger on Weddingbee.
This couple felt strongly about gay marriage and decided to create awareness at their wedding. The White Knot is a non-profit organisation that promotes marriage equality with full legal rights under the law. The couple set out these white knotted ribbons with pins for their guests to wear if they agreed with this stance.
The officiant of the ceremony said a few words about the organisation and what they do. An alternative to this would be to put an explanation in the ceremony program. I thought this was an excellent idea that could be adapted to fit any organisation. If you don't need people to buy you 8 toasters, you can simply ask that they make a donation to your favourite charity.