Every bride needs an emergency kit. This can be kept in a small makeup bag and given to one of the bridesmaids for safe keeping. The following items should be in your bridal emergency kit:
Clear bandages to protect from those evil blisters.
Ibuprofen or Paracetamol to deal with those pre-wedding headaches
Chalk to cover up scuffs on white leather and fabric
Emory boards for those inevitable broken nails
Clear nail polish to stop runs in pantyhose and fix chips in your polish
Thread in the colours of all of the bridal party dresses for any pulled seams or small rips
Hold onto all of the spare buttons that come with the dresses just in case one falls off
Small scissors to snip labels, tags and strings
A handkerchief or tissues to wipe away makeup smudges and tears
This is toupee tape for holding hair onto bald men. You may think it sounds crazy, but it works perfectly for holding straps and hems in place and won't hurt your skin.
Pins and needles of all shapes and sizes for sewing and securing
Bobby pins held together on a ribbon to help fix hair and hold the veil in place
If you're like me you just don't do well with white. This stain removal spray instantly lifts the stain if you spray it while the stain is fresh.
Other good additions to your kit:
*Tampons and pads
**Earring backs
*Any makeup you're using
*Water, if the place you're getting ready doesn't have a sink (like a marquee)
*Anything you may need immediately like an Epi-Pen, antihistamine or inhaler
And you MUST MUST MUST have...
The contact numbers to all of your vendors and your attendants. You never know who might get lost or be running late and not have your number on them to let you know.
This might seem a bit extreme but you should always plan for the worst and hope for the best. You never know what could happen!
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